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Good Afternoon,

We wanted to share a quick update on current lake conditions.

With the hot weather and calm winds, conditions are ripe for concentrations of cyanobacteria (blue green algae) to possibly reach bloom levels. We have received reports from the east side of the lake this afternoon showing areas of surface algae streaking. We also learned that the Deep Run public beach in the Town of Gorham was closed today to due algae. If you notice discolored water, streaking, or surface scums - please avoid these areas. Multiple inspections on the west side of the lake by watershed staff are showing clear conditions right now. Conditions can change quickly so please use your visual indicators before going in the water.

We are also getting reports from the public showing large green patches of suspected algae in the middle of the lake and along the shoreline area (see images below). These large patches are actually duckweed and watermeal, which are tiny aquatic plants that may form floating green “mats”. The 4 inches of rain that hit Naples and the West River last week caused these streams to push tremendous amounts of duckweed and watermeal out of the High Tor wetland system and into the lake. We have been getting many reports of these floating patches of duckweed over the last few days.

We will share a full update tomorrow with results from this week’s water samples collected by watershed staff and volunteers.

Thanks Everyone!

Kevin Olvany

Watershed Program Manager, Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council

Lindsay McMillan

Association Director, Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association

Welcome to your Friday Water Quality Update!

So far this week: • 33 surveys performed • 5 suspicious blooms reported this afternoon (Friday 8/20)

This afternoon, we received 5 reports of streaking of cyanobacteria (blue green algae) in the northern section of the lake. Volunteers are reporting areas of light surface streaking and suspended algae in the water column (“dots in the water”). We wanted to make the public aware that the calmer, sunnier conditions may allow for concentrations of cyanobacteria to accumulate in isolated areas along the shoreline, or even out on the lake.

The recent intense rain events on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning (Hurricane Fred) have resulted in high water levels and areas with reduced clarity. While Canandaigua Lake does not have an active boating advisory in effect issued by the Sheriff, we strongly encourage boaters to use caution with their wake and to be aware of the potential for floating debris and tree limbs that may have washed into the lake. The southern end of the watershed experienced more runoff therefore has a higher potential for debris. Neighboring Finger Lakes like Keuka, Seneca, and Cayuga were also hit hard by these storms and have seen areas with significant flooding and damage to shorelines.

Now that we’ve had a few bloom reports come in this afternoon, conditions may be right for more observations of cyanobacteria in the coming days, so please continue to use your visual indicators to look for signs of active bloom conditions. As recommended by the DEC, if you see it, avoid it.

If you have a question on a suspected bloom, please feel free to send in a photograph to This email address is monitored by CLWA and Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council staff. We may be able to assist with identification though a clear photograph.

Volunteers and watershed staff will be continuing daily observations throughout August and September and we will communicate any significant changes in bloom activity through our weekly email updates, on our website, and on the Associations facebook page.

Enjoy your weekend!

Welcome to your Friday Water Quality Update! So far this week: · 30 surveys performed · No blooms reported This week’s update will be short and sweet. There have been no blooms reported this week by CLWA volunteers or watershed staff. We have been seeing an overall increase in the weekly average water clarity as reported by Secchi Disk volunteers. There was a meter increase in the weekly average up from last week!

Comparing the secchi disk readings from this time last year (2nd week in August), we saw better average clarity by more than 2.5 meters. In 2020, the weekly average clarity the second week in August was 4.37 meters, and in 2021, it was 7.02 meters. It will be interesting to closely track changes in clarity in the coming weeks as we transition into the season where we have historically seen bloom events (late August / early September).

Conditions can change quickly in August, so please continue to use your visual indicators to look for signs of active bloom conditions. As recommended by the DEC, if you see it, avoid it. Volunteers and watershed staff will be continuing daily observations throughout August and September and we will communicate any significant changes in bloom activity through our weekly email updates, on our websites, and on the Association's facebook page. To report suspicious blooms, use This email address is monitored by CLWA and Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council staff. Enjoy your weekend!

More Information on Blue Green Algae

Click below for our Harmful Algae Bloom brochure.

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© 2017 Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council

205 Saltonstall Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 • 585.396.3630

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