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Members of the Watershed

The Watershed Council consists of the fourteen watershed and water purveying municipalities (Towns of Canandaigua, Bristol, South Bristol, Potter, Naples, Gorham, Italy, Middlesex and Hopewell, Villages of Newark, Palmyra, Naples and Rushville and the City of Canandaigua), with each municipality typically sending their chief elected official or other elected municipal board member to Watershed Council meetings. The Watershed Manager, who is overseen by the Council, is responsible for implementing management decisions, coordinating with the various partners, and implementing the comprehensive watershed protection program.

Municipal Representatives of the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council 

Jared Simpson, Supervisor, Town of Canandaigua

Bob Palumbo, Mayor, City of Canandaigua

John Cowley, Supervisor, Town of Naples 

Fred Stresing, Supervisor, Town of Bristol 

David Adam, Supervisor, Town of Middlesex 

Dan Marshall, Supervisor, Town of South Bristol 

Bill Namestnik, Supervisor, Town of Hopewell 

Michael Gonzalez, Water Treatment Plant Chief Operator, Village of Newark 

Art Rilands, Mayor, Village of Rushville

Marty Aman, Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority Executive Director, Village of Palmyra

Dale Stell, Supervisor, Town of Gorham


© 2017 Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council

205 Saltonstall Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 • 585.396.3630

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