Land use regulations such as zoning, subdivision, site plan review, building codes, stormwater and floodplain management, onsite wastewater and are just a few ways municipalities can ensure development and human activity minimally impact the lake. These regulations are particularly important for reducing non-point source pollution. The municipalities have primary land use control in New York State. The Watershed Council provides assistance to the municipalities in developing regulations and technical assistance in implementing regulations.
Final Draft Model Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Law – December 2016
This model law was developed by the Joint Municipal Land Use Workgroup, which consists of Town and County Planning Board Members, Code Enforcement Officers, the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council, the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Commission and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association. They began working on this law in October 2015 and went through a very thorough process to develop the law. They reviewed other similar laws in New York State, had multiple attorney reviews, and held two public information/comment meetings. The Watershed Council endorsed the final version of the law at their December 2016 meeting. The law is now in the hands of each municipality to decide if they would like to adopt the law or a version of it.
Use the links below to review the draft model law and to find out more information on how the law was developed.
Click here to read the Final Draft Model Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Law.
Click here for an overview of the process to develop the law.
Click here for the review by Attorney Jeff Graff.
Click here for the comments from the public information meeting held in Vine Valley on 7-11-16.
Click here for the comments from the public information meeting held in South Bristol on 8-15-16.