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A comprehensive monitoring program documents the health of the lake and its tributaries and helps to identify sources of pollution.  Computer modeling is also used and has the ability to estimate pollution sources and loads. Mapping of landcover, natural capitol are also critical to understanding the whole watershed picture. Where possible, research also helps measure the success of management. Click on the + sign to expand box and learn about each research project in detail.

Canandaigua Lake Water Monitoring Program

Watershed Council obtained funding, hired an RIT grad student and provides coordination for the Natural Capital Study.  Partners include Watershed Association and Dr. Bruce Gilman at FLCC.

Watershed Landcover Mapping

Landcover mapping of the entire watershed was completed using the Natural Heritage Classification System. Partners: FLCC (Bruce Gilman), County Planning, RIT interns, Watershed Council and FLLOWPA.

Watershed Tributary Study

Monitored 17 tributaries during 55 storm events from 1997-2000. Ongoing tributary chloride sampling. Partners included: SUNY Brockport (tributary sampling program from 1997-2000), FLCC- Bruce Gilman tributary chloride sampling (1996- present), Watershed Association and Watershed Inspector. Link to Study.

Natural Capital Model

Watershed Council obtained funding, hired an RIT grad student and provides coordination for the Natural Capital Study.  Partners include Watershed Association and Dr. Bruce Gilman at FLCC.

Stressed Stream Analysis

Conducted stressed stream analysis on several streams including Sucker Brook, Fall Brook, Vine Valley.  Also conduct visual inspections of watersheds during storm events. Partners included: SUNY Brockport, FLCC, Watershed Association and Watershed Inspector

Boat Carrying Capacity Study

An in-depth analysis of the current peak boat usage on the lake and recommendations for appropriate boat capacity based on four different methodologies. Link to Study

Additional Research

City Storm Sewer System Mapping Project and the drainage areas that influence each outlet. Partnered with City to complete project.

2006 LiDAR contour mapping of the Yates County portion of the watershed- to match the Ontario County mapping.

Macrophyte Study- initial investigation at potential Hydrilla Hotspots (boat launches and marinas). Partner: Dr. Bruce Gilman
Water Supply Study with the City of Canandaigua- provided substantial assistance on Water Supply Study as part of the City Water Supply Permit- Completed Mass Balance Model/Report, three year Canandaigua Outlet monitoring and report along with assisting DEC on completing Part III of the EAF.

Watershed Council partnered with IAGT to complete Non-point source pollution model through IAGT.

© 2017 Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council

205 Saltonstall Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 • 585.396.3630

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