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The most efficient management is pollution-prevention of existing resources. However, restoration and remediation are essential tools to reverse past damage and to mitigate the impact from new impacts. This category includes stream stabilization projects, wetland creation projects, stormwater retrofits, and other approaches to provide tangible water quality improvements.  


Eroding banks can be a significant source of pollution to the lake.  Stabilizing banks with stone is an effective way to reduce erosion and protect water quality in our watershed.  We have partnered with multiple municipalities on bank stabilization projects along streams and roadside ditches.​

Sucker Brook Wetland Restoration

Sucker Brook Restoration

Sucker Brook has had flooding and water quality issues in the past. Two restoration projects were built recently in this subwatershed to increase flood resiliency and improve water quality.  Both projects bring water from Sucker Brook during storm events into a water quality area, where it can be naturally filtered before it is slowly released back to the stream.


Project Partners: NYS Department of State, City of Canandaigua, Town of Canandaigua

Route 5 & 20 Project

Project Partners: Department of State, City of Canandaigua, Town of Canadaigua


A portion of high flows from Sucker Brook will flow into an existing wetland and a newly created wetland.


During Storm

During Dry Weather

County Road 30 Project

Project Partners: Department of State, City of Canandaigua, Town of Canadaigua


A portion of high flows from Sucker Brook will flow into a large temporary storage area.


Flow from Sucker Brook entering project area

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Rock weir structure during storm event

Sucker Brook Headwaters Project

Restored stream with newly planted riparian trees

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of Canadaigua, Morrell Development


A tributary to Sucker Brook had an artificial sharp turn that was prone to erosion.  The stream was restored with a more natural meander and trees were planted in the riparian area.  A conservation easement now protects 7.1 acres of stream buffer and 6.7 acres of wetland.

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Naples Creek Floodplain Restoration Project: Overview

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, Town of Naples, Town of Canandaigua, the Nature Conservancy, Ontario County FLLOWPA, Ontario County WRC, Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association


Naples Creek is prone to flooding, especially in the Parish Flats Road and Route 245 area.  A long history of berming has cut off Naples Creek from its floodplain. This area is especially important, because 25% of all flow the enters Canandaigua Lake passes by this project area. 


A series of projects were constructed to reconnect Naples Creek to its floodplain in strategic locations for water quality and flood resiliency benefits. Naples Creek now has more frequent and greater access to 100s of acres of additional floodplain that provides major water quality treatment. This project covers a wide geographic area (see map to the right) and included:

  • 13+ new berm breaks to allow flow to enter floodplain

  • 7 new culvert systems to convey flow into water quality storage areas

  • 110 acres of land permanently protected- including 6,300 feet of riparian corridor

  • 4 debris jams removed from the stream and bridge areas

  • Fixed trail system along stream and allowed flow to access adjacent forested floodplain system

Berm Breaks on Naples Creek and a Tributary

Multiple berm breaks were constructed along Naples Creek and one of its tributaries.  Floodwaters can now slowly filter through open lands for water quality and flood resiliency benefits.

Before project: March 18,2018 flood event - TNC land (looking south) is dry


After berm breaks were installed: August 2021 flood event - TNC land (looking north) is covered in floodwaters 


After project: multiple berm breaks were installed to allow water to reach this DEC land.

Cross Culverts for Hydrologic Reconnection

Roads often act like berms, trapping water during storm events and routing it to undesired locations. Additional cross culverts were installed under Route 245 and Parish Flats Road to allow flood waters to travel under the road and into open areas. During storms, these waters will slowly move through the land, helping to filter out pollutants and increase flood resiliency.

Flooding along Route 245 prior to project.


New cross culverts under Route 245 to carry high flows under the road and into an open area for filtering.

Stream and Road Bank Stabilization

Eroding streams and road banks can be a significant source of sediment pollution to Canandaigua Lake.  The Watershed Council has partnered with multiple municipalities and NYS Department of State to stabilize stream and road banks. Recent project photos are shown below.

Cottage City Drive Bank Stabilization

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of Gorham


A highly eroding bank was stabilized with large rocks.





Sucker Brook Streambank Stabilization

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, City of Canandaigua


A highly eroded streambank was stabilized.





Gannett Hill Road Ditch Stabilization

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, Town of South Bristol


An eroding road ditch along a steep slope was stabilized with rock rip rap.





Eelpot Creek/Garlinghouse Road Stabilization

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, Town of Naples


The road/stream bank was stabilized with stacked rock.




After - example of stabilization

Sunnyside Road Drainage Improvement Project

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, Town of Italy


Improvements to catch basins and the road, along with installation of debris catches, help prevent downstream problems.




After - example of improved catch basin & debris catch

Dinehart Cross Culvert Replacement

Project Partners: NYS Department of State, Town of Middlesex


Replaced culvert, which was failing, to ensure Vine Valley Creek can continue to flow under Dinehart Cross Road and stabilized bank.

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After - new culvert

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After - stabilized banks

South Lake Road Rehabilitation

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of Middlesex


South Lake Road is prone to flooding and erosion problems. To increase flood resiliency, multiple undersized cross culverts were replaced and drainage improvements were constructed.  In addition, a slope failure along the road was repaired using soil nails.  

Before: Debris deposited due to undersized culvert


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Soil nails


Culvert Replacement

After: Larger culvert

South Hill Road Bank Stabilization

Stabilized roadside ditch

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of Middlesex


Multiple sections of severely eroded roadside ditch were stabilized.

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Wolfanger Road Culvert Replacement

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of Middlesex


An undersized cross culvert was replaced with a larger, longer culvert and its outlet was stabilized.

New culvert with outlet stabilization

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Stid Hill Road Bank Stabilization

Example of damage from June 2015

Project Partners: Department of State, Town of South Bristol


Areas of severe erosion were stabilized along sections of Stid Hill Road.


Example of bank stabilization completed


Additional Projects

Sucker Brook Projects

Over 8.4 million pounds of slightly contaminated sediment were removed from a section of Sucker Brook between Parrish Street and 5 and 20 Bypass. Material was brought to landfill and used as daily cover. Watershed Council coordinated the project and partnered with County, Town and City to complete project. Improved water quality and reduced potential upstreaming flooding. Grant funding through DOS.

Canandaigua City School District
Stormwater Wetland

Created two- acre stormwater wetland on Canandaigua City School District Pearl Street property. Stormwater wetlands created to solve flooding problems at Primary School- 17 classrooms flooded on two occasions. Partnered with Town, County, School and City. Grant funding through DOS.

Deuel Road Stormwater
Management Facility

Town of Canandaigua created the Deuel Road stormwater management facility in partnership with the local farmer and Watershed Council to reduce flood related damage to Deuel Road.

Canandaigua YMCA Bio-Retention Facility

Watershed Council obtained grant funding, coordinated efforts and provided the in-kind assistance to work with county, town and city forces to build the bio-retention area.

Fall Brook Stream Bank
Stabilization Project

Watershed Council designed and coordinated the Fall Brook/ Canandaigua Country Club stream stabilization project (1,200 feet both sides). Partnered with Town of Canandaigua Highway Department to complete work.

Lagoon Park Habitat Restoration Plan

Watershed Council worked with several partners to create the Lagoon Park Habitat Restoration Plan. Provided significant planting assistance and applied for two grants to help pay to implement the plan. Partners include: Botanical Society, City, Watershed Association, Soil and Water and FLCC students.

  • Sucker Brook stream restoration/stabilization projects- partnered with County, Town and City to complete the projects. Grant funding through DOS.

  • Middlesex Highway Garage bio retention area- partnered with the Highway Department and Watershed Association.

  • Obtained grant funding to assist City of Canandaigua in purchase of a Street Sweeper.

  • Antis Street Parking Lot Bio-Retention project- partnered with the City of Canandaigua.

  • Village of Rushville Walking Trail and stream stabilization along West River. Watershed Council assisted in obtaining grant funding and volunteer assistance in trail clearing.

  • Design and permit assistance on several FEMA projects (Bills Road, Shoreline stabilization projects, culvert sizing and replacement.

  • Menteth Creek/Goodale Road partnership with farmer, NRCS and Fish and Wildlife Service Partners Program to restore 1,000 + feet of stream using logs, vegetation and some stone.

  • DEC and Trout Unlimited completed substantial stream bank stabilization projects in Naples Creek to promote fish habitat and protect water quality. Watershed Council participated in the Willow Planting Project.

  • Watershed Council assisted with the Onanda Park/Barnes Gully dredging project and Boat Launch stabilization in partnership with the Town of Canandaigua.

  • Watershed Council partnered with Ontario County County Public Works and Highway Department to complete the Grimes Creek/County Road 36 bank stabilization project- 350 feet. Grant funding purchased the stone and plantings that were utilized.

© 2017 Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council

205 Saltonstall Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 • 585.396.3630

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